Best Questions of Tech and IT Quizzes #3
Here we are presenting some of the Best questions from various Tech and IT Quizzes to help you prepare for IT quizzes like TCS IT Wiz (Article #3).
Best Questions and Answers of Tech and IT Quizzes #3
1. X was an American computer programmer, writer, archivist, political organizer, and Internet activist. He built Infogami, a company that merged with _____ in its early days. He cofounded the online group Demand Progress (known for its campaign against the SOPA). On January 6, 2011, as a result of a federal investigation, he was arrested in connection with systematic downloading of academic journal articles from JSTOR, thus potentially faced a maximum of $1 million in fines and more than 35 years in prison. He committed suicide on January 13, 2013. Who am I talking about?
Ans: Aaron Swartz
2. The most famous product of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation was the X Mainframe computer of 1951, which became known for predicting the outcome of the U.S. presidential election the following year. This incident is particularly infamous because the computer predicted an Eisenhower landslide when traditional pollsters all called it for Adlai Stevenson. The numbers were so skewed that CBS's news boss in New York, Mickelson, decided the computer was in error and refused to allow the prediction to be read. Instead they showed some staged theatrics that suggested the computer was not responsive, and announced it was predicting 8-7 odds for an Eisenhower win (the actual prediction was 100-1). When the predictions proved true and Eisenhower won a landslide within 1% of the initial prediction, Charles Collingwood, the on-air announcer, embarrassingly announced that they had covered up the earlier prediction. Identify X.
3. William Higginbotham, an American physicist, is credited with creating one of the first computer games, Tennis for Two. Like Pong, it is a portrait of a game of tennis or ping pong, but featured different game mechanics that have very little resemblance to the later game. As the head of the Instrumentation Division of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, he created it on an X in 1958, to entertain visitors during visitor days at the national laboratory. Which instrument X?
Ans: Oscilloscope
4. This company began as BHI, which stood for “Beverly Hills Internet” in 1994, a small Web hosting and development company in Southern California. David Bohnett and John Rezner were the founders. The company also created their own Web directory, organized thematically in six “neighbourhoods” such as “Silicon Valley” (for technology) and “Sunset Strip” (for nightlife and music). In mid-1995, the company decided to offer users the ability to develop free home pages within those neighborhoods. Chat, bulletin boards, and other elements of “community” were added soon after, helping foster rapid growth. In January 1999, the company was purchased by Yahoo! for $3.57 billion. Identify this company which is now defunct in the US and Canada but still very popular in Japan.
Ans: Geocities
5. X once counted all the broken panes of glass of a factory, publishing in 1857 a “Table of the Relative Frequency of the Causes of Breakage of plate Glass Windows”: of Plate Glass Windows": Of 464 broken panes, 14 were caused by "drunken men, women or boys". X loved fire. He once baked himself in an oven at 130 degrees Celsius for 4 minutes to see what would happen. Later he arranged to be lowered into Mt. Vesuvius, Italy in order to view molten lava for himself. Yet, he was a great mathematician and computer scientist. Identify X.
Ans: Charles Babbage
6. X is a handheld digital pet, created in Japan by Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ and Aki Maita of Bandai. It was first sold by Bandai in 1996 in Japan. As of 2010, over 76 million X have been sold world-wide. Most X are housed in a small egg-shaped computer with an interface usually consisting of three buttons, although the number of buttons may vary.
Identify X.
Ans: Tamagotchi
7. X is an online black market which started in February 2011. It is operated as a Tor hidden service, such that online users can browse it anonymously and securely without potential traffic monitoring. X is an underground website sometimes called the “ of illegal drugs” or the “eBay for drugs. On October 2, 2013, the FBI shut down X and arrested Ross William Ulbricht identifying him as the founder and chief operator "Dread Pirate Roberts". On November 6, 2013 Forbes and Vice reported that X 2.0 was online and being run by former administrators of X and that a different user was now using the name Dread Pirate Roberts.
Ans: Silk Road
8. On June 21, 2013, the Spanish doctor Pedro Guillen, Chief of Trauma Service of Clínica CEMTRO of Madrid, became the first physician in the world to broadcast a surgery through X. Thanks to the Spanish company Droiders, rights holder of this system in Spain, a chondrocyte implantation in the knee of a patient who was 49 years old, could be streamed worldwide over the internet, allowing another physician, Dr. Homero Rivas (Director of Innovative Surgery, School of Medicine, Stanford University, California), an expert in telemedicine, to participate in the surgery. Identify X.
Ans: Google Glass
9. Created by the founders of Russia’s biggest social networking platform, X is a new messaging app that offers speed, security and features such as secret chats with end-to-end encryption and self-destructing messages. Brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, who launched VK (originally called VKontakte) in 2006, began working on X 18 months ago as a research project because they wanted to create something that was “really secure and fun at the same time.” The importance of X was underscored when Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA and PRISM were first made public in June.
Ans: Telegram
10. On October 4, 1997, while driving on the Hokuriku Expressway with his associate Etsuo Kiso, X rear-ended a truck driven by Takashi Okushima. After the two men had left the car to inspect the damage, X was hit and fatally injured by two passing cars. Contrary to urban legends of foul play, the driver of one of the passenger cars that hit X in the second accident was Gen Tsushima, a member of the tourism industry. X was pronounced dead two hours later.
In 2003, X posthumously received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Game Developers Association. GameTrailers placed him on their lists for the "Top Ten Game Creators".
Identify X.
Ans: Gunpei Yokoi
Hope you liked this collection of Best of Tech and IT Quizzes. Stay tuned for more such interesting IT Quizzes.