TCS IT Wiz Sample Paper 2

TCS IT Wiz Sample Paper 2

Sample Paper 2

1)     Babel Fish, a web translation service owned by Yahoo! was originally created by what? AltaVista

2)     ‘Kindle’, the e-book reader was launched by which company? Amazon

3)     What was created by James Gosling and originally named ‘Oak’? Java

4)     Which company began as ‘Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory’? Canon

5)     Which company did Google acquire in 2005 to enter the mobile devices software business? Android

6)     What is described in its patent application as an “X-Y position indicator for a display system”? Mouse

7)     What name is given to software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet? Bots

8)     Alan J. Perlis was the first recipient of which award in the world of computing? Turing Award

9)     What term was coined by John McCarthy who defined it as the “science and engineering” of making intelligent machines? Artificial Intelligence

10)  Whose autobiography is titled “iWoz”? Steve Wozniak

11)  What word is commonly used to refer to “unsolicited bulk e-mail”? Spam

12)  What is the smallest unit of picture that can be represented or controlled and has its own address? Pixel

13)  What term is used to describe a program that appears to perform a harmless action but actually performs another act such as transmitting a virus? Trojan

14)  Which web search engine from Microsoft is advertised as “Decision Engine”? Bing

15)  Who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Google Inc.? Larry Page