Best Questions of Tech and IT Quizzes #5

Best Questions of Tech and IT Quizzes #5

Here we are presenting some of the Best questions from various Tech and IT Quizzes to help you prepare for IT quizzes like TCS IT Wiz (Article #5).

Best Questions and Answers of Tech and IT Quizzes #5

1. Before X’s official incorporation, one of it’s founders wrote down several words from
the game ‘go’ ,eventually choosing X , a term which in the context of the game means a
state where a stone or group of stones is imminently in danger of being taken by one's
opponent. In Japanese it means "to hit the target" or "to receive something fortuitously".!
Which company is X?

Ans: Atari

2. X is a video game released in 1999 by British heavy metal band Iron Maiden and
Synthetic Dimensions. The game objective consists of following Iron Maiden's mascot,
Eddie, through various levels depicting the band's past album covers. The accompanying
CDs the group's most popular songs, as selected by fans on the band's official website.!
Name X.

Ans: Ed Hunter

3. __________ is an organisation working to bring internet to of the population world
that doesn’t have it. It is assumed that they will bring internet access to 2/3rds of the world, headed by Facebook, other companies include Qualcomm, Nokia etc.

Mark Zuckerbergs introduction post to this read:
“The world economy is going through a massive transition right now. The knowledge
economy is the future. By bringing everyone online, we'll not only improve billions of lives,
but we'll also improve our own as we benefit from the ideas and productivity they
contribute to the world. Giving everyone the opportunity to connect is the foundation for
enabling the knowledge economy. It is not the only thing we need to do, but it's a
fundamental and necessary step.”


4. X is a subsidiary of Escape Media Group.It is an online music streaming service
based in the United States. It has a search engine, streaming service, and
recommendation application. Users can stream and upload music that can be played
immediately or added to a playlist.
As of January 2012, X has been sued for copyright-violations by all the major music
companies. The liabilities have been estimated at US $17 billion. Concerns about
copyrights has led to the removal X's applications from Google Play, the App Store and
Facebook platform.

Ans: GrooveShark 

5. "I'm one of the culprits who created this problem. I used to write those programs
back in the 1960s and 1970s, and was proud of the fact that I was able to squeeze a few
elements of space out of my program by not having to put a 19. Back then, it was very
important. We used to spend a lot of time running through various mathematical exercises
before we started to write our programs so that they could be very clearly delimited with
respect to space and the use of capacity. It never entered our minds that those programs
would have lasted for more than a few years. As a consequence, they are very poorly
documented. If I were to go back and look at some of the programs I wrote 30 years ago, I
would have one terribly difficult time working my way through step-by-step."
What was this in reference to?

Ans: Y2K

6. This spinoff of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone was started in 1991. Company name means ‘everywhere’ in the native language. Present in India in partnership with a major Indian company.

Ans: DoCoMo

7. X is a widely used sans-serif typeface developed in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann. Originally called Neue Haas Grotesk, now called X as a reference to Switzerland. Give X.

Ans: Helvetica

8. X is a widely used sans-serif typeface developed in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann. Originally called Neue Haas Grotesk, now called X as a reference to Switzerland. Give X.

Ans: Butterfly Keyboard

9. X is a widely used sans-serif typeface developed in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann. Originally called Neue Haas Grotesk, now called X as a reference to Switzerland. Give X.

Ans: iPod

10. X is a widely used sans-serif typeface developed in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann. Originally called Neue Haas Grotesk, now called X as a reference to Switzerland. Give X.
