Best Questions of Tech and IT Quizzes #1

Best Questions of Tech and IT Quizzes #1

Here we are presenting some of the Best questions from various Tech and IT Quizzes to help you prepare for IT quizzes like TCS IT Wiz (Article #1).

Best Questions and Answers of Tech and IT Quizzes #1

1. Identify

Xerox. Best Questions of Tech and IT Quizzes #1

2. Who is the CEO of SanDisk?
Ans: Sanjay Mehrotra

3. It was started out as an experiment in November 2004 mainly by Kevin Rose. Matt Williams is the present CEO. What is described here?
Ans: Digg

4. He founded the company , Wheels of Zeus in 2001. Who am i point to?
Ans: Steve Wozniak

5. KIN is the brand name owned by?
Ans: Microsoft

6. S-LCD is a a joint venture between two companies established in 2004. One is samsung, which is the other company?
Ans: Sony

7. Expand OLED?
Ans: Organic Light Emitting Diode

8. Pixel Plus, is a proprietary digital filter image processing technology. Which company is known for it’s development?
Ans: Philips

9. ”providing trust for the Internet and Electronic Commerce through our Digital Authentication services and products.” This quote belongs to which companies history?
Ans: Verisign

10. Acid 2, Acid 3 are tests to check the browser’s compatability. Name the personality who devloped this?
Ans: Lan Hickson

11. Presto, Gecko & Tasman are example of ?
Ans:  Web layout Engines or Rendering Engines for web browsers.

12. X is a search engine system developed for Gopher protocol, developed in 1992 by Steven Foster and Fred Barrie. What is X?

13.  “Antibot” , “GoBack” are the software products from?
Ans: Norton

14. How do you know Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company?
Ans: 3M

15. The book “Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought“ by Douglas Hofstadter is very important in the history of this company. Identify the company?

16. Who is referred as the father of Analysis of Algorithm?
Ans: Donald Knuth

17. Who manufactured the KIN mobile phones from Microsoft?
Ans: Sharp

18. Originally the German company StarDivision developed the application as the proprietary software suite StarOffice. In 1999 Sun Microsystems purchased the code. In August 1999 version 5.2 of StarOffice was made available free of charge. How do we know this software now?
Ans: OpenOffice

19. “Gorilla Grip of Death” is associated with which popular product?
Ans: iPhone 4

20. HP & X was in a struggle to acquire the company 3 PAR. Which company is denoted by X?
Ans: Dell

Stay tuned for more such preparation materials for tech and IT quizzes.