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100 Must Know IT Quiz Questions

100 Must Know IT Quiz Questions

Here we have the 100 must know IT quiz questions for tech quizzes and some technology history based questions for preparation of IT quizzes like TCS IT Wiz and other big tech quizzes. These are the short and snappy ones to help you out.

100 Must Know IT Quiz Questions 2018

1. In which year , the first commercial computer was released?
Ans: 1936
2. What is name of the first Personal Computer(PC)?
Ans: Altair

3. Which computer company is called as “Big Blue”?
Ans: IBM

4. Who invented PERL programming language?
Ans: Larry Wall

5. Expand YAHOO?
Ans: Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

6. Who are the key people in the development of Google Search Engine?
Ans: Larry Page and Sergey Brin

7. When will be the “Computer Day” celebrated?
Ans: 2nd December of every year

8. Who invented HotMail?
Ans: Sabeer Bhatia

9. Which is the programming language invented by Microsoft?
Ans: C# ( pronounced as C-sharp)

10. Expand GTLD.
Ans: Generic Top Level Domain

11. Name the person who established “Free Software Foundation”?
Ans: Richard Stallman

12. Expand ASCII.
Ans: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

13. Who invented JAVA?
Ans: James Gosling

14. Expand AMD.
Ans: Advanced Micro Devices

15. What does XP stands for in Windows XP?
Ans: eXPerience

16. Who wrote Linux Kernel?
Ans: Linus Torvalds

17. Who is the present CEO of Microsoft?
Ans: Satya Nadela

18. Who invented C programming language?
Ans: Dennis Ritchie

19. Who wrote UNIX in C?
Ans: Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie

20. Identify the personality.
Ans: Jerry Yang ( Co-Founder of Yahoo)

21. Who is the father of Computer?
Ans: Charles Babbage

22. What is the name of first general purpose computer developed?
Ans: ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)

23. What does Google mean?
Ans: Google is term derived another mathematical word “GOOGOL” which means one (1) followed by 100 zeros.It indicates large amount of data stored in Google.

24. What does “i” stnads for in ORACLE 8i or 9i and “g” stands for in ORACLE 10g or 11g?
Ans: Since ORACLE version 9i and 8i supports internet enabled services so “i” stands for “internet” and Oracle version 10 onwards supports GRID COMPUTING which denotes “g” in 10g or 11g.

25. Expand PHP and ASP.
Ans: PHP- Hypertext Preprocessor
ASP- Active Server Pages

26. Name the company that invented “Graphical User Interface” (GUI)?
Ans: XEROX Corporation.

27. Which is the latest programming language invented by Google?
Ans: GO (used for System Programming)

28. Who is the present CEO of ORACLE?
Ans: Larry Ellison

29. Who invented C++?
Ans: Bjarne Stroustrup

30. Who is the present CEO of Google?
Ans: Lawrence E. Page (Larry Page)

31. Who are the other co-founders of Microsoft except Bill Gates?
Ans: Paul Allen

32. What is the code name of Windows 7?
Ans: Black Comb

33. Which company acquired Sun Microsystems recently?

34. Who invented USB?
Ans: Ajay V. Bhatt (Employee of Intel)

35. Who is the founder of Twitter?
Ans: Jack Dorsey

36.Who is the founder of Wikipedia?
Ans: Jimmy Wales

37. Who is the father of internet?
Ans: Vint Cerf

38. Who invented TCP/IP?
Ans: Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf

39. Which company invented Bluetooth technology?
Ans: Ericsson

40. Who developed Android OS initially?
Ans: Andrew Rubin (Andy Rubin) - Former Apple Inc employee

41. Expand RSS.
Ans: Rich Site Summary/ Really Simple Syndication

42. Who is the man behind WikiLeaks?
Ans: Julian Assange

43. Who created the first version of RSS and what was its name?
Ans: Ramanathan V. Guha in 1999 at Netscape.

44. Who is the co-founder of REDHAT Inc?
Ans: Bob Young

45. Who invented Integrated Chip(IC) ?
Ans: Jack Kilby

46. Who designed QWERTY format for keyboards?
Ans: Christopher Latham Sholes

47. Who is known as Father of Pentium Chip?
Ans: Vinod Dham

48. Who are the inventors of Transistor?
Ans: John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain

49. Name the company that develops OpenGL graphics API?
Ans: Silicon Graphics Inc

50. Name the graphics API that is developed by Microsoft?
Ans: Direct3D

51. What does COMPAQ stands for?
Ans: Compatibility and Quality

52. Who invented PYTHON programming language?
Ans: Guido Van Rossum

53. What does HTC stands for?
Ans: High Tech Corporation

54. What does TFT stands for?
Ans: Thin Film Transistor

55. Who is the CEO of Intel Corporation?
Ans: Paul Otellini

56. What does VAIO stands for in SONY VAIO?
Ans: Video Audio Integration Operation

57. Who are the founders of Hewlett Packard?
Ans: Bill Hewlett and David Packard

58. Expand CDAC.
Ans: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

59. Who is the CEO of E-Bay?
Ans: John Donahoe

60. Tell the code name of Android 3.0?
Ans: HoneyComb

61. Who is the CEO of AOL(American Online)?
Ans: Tim Armstrong

62. Which services do Apple devices use to synchronize data?
Ans: MobileMe

63. what does SGML stands for?
Ans: Standard Generalized Markup Language

64. Expand PERL.
Ans: Practical Extraction and Report Language

65. Expand VGA.
Ans: Video Graphics Array

66. Expand NASSCOM.
Ans: National Association of Software and Service Companies

67. Who is the co-founder of Apple along with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak?
And: Ronald Wayne

68. Who is the first employee of Google?
Ans: Craig Silverstein

69. Who is the CEO of Twitter?
Ans: Dick Costolo

70. Who are the other co-founders of Twitter except Jack Dorsey?
Ans: Evan Williams and Biz Stone

71. Who are the key people in Sun MicroSystems?
Ans: Andy Bechtolsheim, Jonathan Schwartz, Vinod Khosla, Bill Joy and Scott McNealy

72. Who are the key people in Infosys?
Ans: N.R.Narayan Murthy, Nandan Nilekani, Kris GopalKrishnan, Ashok Arora, K Dinesh and S.D.Shibulal, N.S.Raghavan

73.What is Blingtronics?
Ans: Wearable electronics made up of gold or diamonds.

74. Who is the present CEO of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)?
Ans: N. Chandrashekharan

75. Who is the only woman to achieve Alan Turing Award?
Ans: Barbara Liskov (Prof of CS in MIT)

76.TCS is the tech partner to the world’s oldest marathon. Which is it?
Ans: Boston Marathon

77. Expand TRDDC.
Ans: Tata Research Development and Design Centre

78. Who designed ENIAC?
Ans: John Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert

79. Who published the PASCAL programming language?
Ans: Niklaus Wirth in 1970

80. What is Object Pascal?
Ans: Derivative of Pascal for Object Oriented Programming

81. Who coined the term SiliconValley?
Ans: Ralph Vaerst and published by Don Hoefler

82. What is a Flog?
Ans: It is a Fake Blog

83. What is Napstering?
Ans: Distributing illegal content and making money out of it.

84. Who is the CEO of IBM?
Ans: Samuel Palmisano

85. Name the device that blocks unauthorized access to a network?
Ans: FireWall

86. Who coined the term Cookies?
Ans: Lou Montulli

87. Which German-American statistician developed a mechanical tabulator based on punch cards?
Ans: Herman Hollerith

88. Which device has Retina Display Technology?
Ans: iPhone 4

89. Telepresence is the Teleconferencing product from which company?
Ans: Cisco

90.What is SIX AXIS?
Ans: It is a wireless game controller from SONY used with Play Station and PS3 GO

91.What is the name given for 10 to the power of Googol?
Ans: GoogolPlex

92. Which is the decision engine?

93. Who is the CEO of Mphasis?
Ans: Ganesh Ayyer (Founded by Jerry Rao and Jeroen Tas)

94. Expand SAP.
Ans: Systems, Applications and Products in data processing

95. Who is the CEO of SAP AG?
Ans: Bill McDermott and Jim Snabe

96. Who is the CEO of AT & T?
Ans: Randall Stephenson

97. Which compnay acquired T-mobile recently?
Ans: AT & T

98. Who invented ATM machines?
Ans: John Shepherd Barron

99. Which bank first used ATM machine?
Ans: Barclays Bank UK

100. Who is the current CEO Adobe Inc?
Ans: Shantanu Narayen
